14 Travel Scams to Avoid

Stay Scam-Free: 14 Travel Scams to Avoid & Protect Vacation

Travel scams are a real threat to tourists around the world. It’s important to stay vigilant and informed to protect yourself from falling victim to these scams. Here are 14 common travel scams that you need to be aware of and avoid. These scams have been compiled from various sources and include incidents from different countries.

Key Takeaways:

  • Stay alert and informed to protect yourself from common travel scams.
  • Research and know the approximate cost of taxis to avoid taxi overcharge scams.
  • Call your booked accommodation in advance to confirm its availability and avoid falling for the closed accommodation scam.
  • Be cautious of distractions and unknown individuals who try to divert your attention from your belongings.
  • Don’t accept free items from strangers to avoid getting caught in the free bracelets or rosemary scam.

The Taxi Overcharge Scam

One of the most common travel scams is the taxi overcharge. In this scam, the driver either tells you that the meter is broken and charges you a higher rate or manipulates the meter to charge you more. To avoid this scam, it is important to know the approximate cost of your journey beforehand and insist on using the meter. If a driver tries to negotiate the rate or the meter seems to be going up too quickly, consider finding another taxi or reporting the driver to the relevant authorities.

When taking a taxi, it’s essential to be aware of the taxi overcharge scam. This deceptive tactic is often employed by dishonest taxi drivers looking to take advantage of unsuspecting tourists. By understanding how this scam works and taking precautionary measures, you can protect yourself from becoming a victim. Let’s dive deeper into the details of the taxi overcharge scam and learn how to avoid it.

How the Taxi Overcharge Scam Works

The taxi overcharge scam usually starts when you hail a taxi or enter one at a taxi queue. The driver may appear friendly and approachable, but their intentions are far from genuine. They may either claim that the meter is broken or tamper with it behind your back to increase the fare.

Another variation of this scam involves negotiating a fixed rate with the driver, who then charges an inflated price when you reach your destination. These drivers often prey on tourists who are unfamiliar with the local currency and average fares.

Regardless of the specific tactic used, the goal of the taxi overcharge scam is to make you pay more than the actual fare. Drivers who engage in this dishonest practice rely on your lack of knowledge about the local transportation system and fear of confrontation to exploit the situation.

Avoiding the Taxi Overcharge Scam

To protect yourself from falling victim to the taxi overcharge scam, follow these essential tips:

  1. Research average taxi fares: Before arriving at your destination, familiarize yourself with the approximate costs of taxi rides. Online resources and travel guides can provide valuable information on standard fares.
  2. Insist on using the meter: When getting into a taxi, ask the driver to use the meter. Legitimate taxi drivers will always cooperate and have a functioning meter. If the driver refuses or claims that the meter is broken, it’s a clear sign of a scam.
  3. Stay attentive during the ride: Keep an eye on the meter throughout the journey. If the fare seems to be increasing at an unusually rapid rate or reaches a significantly higher amount than you anticipated, be ready to take action.
  4. Trust your intuition: If something feels off or suspicious, listen to your instincts. If the driver exhibits dishonest behavior or becomes aggressive when discussing the fare, consider finding another taxi.

By following these precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to the taxi overcharge scam. Remember, your safety and financial well-being should always be a priority while traveling.

The Closed Accommodation Scam

In your travel adventures, you may encounter another common scam known as the closed accommodation scam. This deceptive tactic is perpetrated by taxi drivers who claim that your pre-booked accommodation is closed or overbooked. They will then try to persuade you to stay at a different hotel, where they receive a commission.

To avoid falling victim to this scam, it is essential to take proactive steps. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Call your hotel: Before you arrive at your destination, make sure to contact your hotel directly. Confirm the availability of your reservation and double-check the details.
  2. Insist on your original booking: Even if the taxi driver insists that your hotel is closed, trust your own reservation. Politely decline their offer to take you elsewhere.

Remaining steadfast in your decision and relying on the confirmation from your hotel will help protect you from falling into this common scam.

Remember, scammers often prey on unsuspecting tourists, but by staying informed and vigilant, you can outsmart them and enjoy a hassle-free travel experience.

The Distraction Tactics

Distraction tactics

Scammers are known to employ various distraction tactics to divert your attention while they target your belongings. These distraction scams are prevalent in popular tourist destinations and can catch even the most seasoned travelers off guard. It is essential to be aware of these tactics and take preventative measures to avoid falling victim to these travel scams.

Below are some common distraction scams to watch out for:

The Spill on Your Clothes Scam

In this scam, someone deliberately spills a substance on your clothes, such as food or a drink. While they apologize and offer to help clean it up, their real intention is to pickpocket you while you’re distracted. They may use the commotion caused by the spill as an opportunity to steal your wallet, phone, or other valuable items.

The “Come in for Tea and Help Me Write a Letter” Scam

This scam typically starts with a friendly stranger approaching you on the street, striking up a conversation and building rapport. They may seem genuinely interested in getting to know you better and may invite you to join them for tea or coffee. Once inside a shop or establishment, they may attempt to pressure you into making a purchase or take advantage of your trust.

To avoid falling victim to these distraction scams and travel scams in general, here are a few tips:

  • Be cautious of strangers who approach you with unexpected offers or create situations that divert your attention from your belongings.
  • Trust your instincts and maintain a healthy level of skepticism, especially when dealing with unfamiliar individuals.
  • Keep your valuable belongings secure and within sight at all times. Use theft-resistant bags, money belts, or hidden pockets.
  • Avoid carrying large sums of cash and keep important documents like your passport in a secure place, such as a hotel safe.
  • Stay alert in crowded areas, as they are prime locations for distraction scams to occur.

Remember, it is always better to be cautious and skeptical than to become a victim of these travel scams. By staying vigilant and taking proactive measures, you can enjoy a safe and hassle-free travel experience.

“Scammers often employ distraction tactics to divert your attention while they target your belongings. Be vigilant and stay one step ahead to protect yourself from falling victim to these travel scams.”

Common Distraction ScamsDescription
The Spill on Your Clothes ScamSomeone spills a substance on your clothes as a distraction while they attempt to pickpocket you.
The “Come in for Tea and Help Me Write a Letter” ScamA friendly stranger strikes up a conversation and invites you for tea or coffee before pressuring you into making a purchase or taking advantage of your trust.

The Free Bracelets/Rosemary Scam

Free bracelets scam

In this section, we will discuss the free bracelets scam and the rosemary scam, two common tactics used by scammers to deceive unsuspecting tourists.

Scammers employing the free bracelets scam will approach you in tourist areas and offer you a free bracelet as a kind gesture. However, once you accept the bracelet, they will demand money or put pressure on you to make a purchase. It’s important to note that these bracelets are not actually free, and the scammers are simply using them as a ploy to extort money from you.

To avoid falling victim to this scam, it is essential not to accept anything for free from strangers. If someone tries to put a bracelet on you, firmly refuse and remove it if necessary. Be confident in rejecting their demands, as they are likely looking to exploit your generosity.

Similarly, scammers may approach you with sprigs of rosemary, claiming that it brings good luck or offers protection from evil spirits. They will offer it to you as a gift, but once you accept it, they will demand money or coerce you into making a purchase.

To protect yourself from the rosemary scam, it is crucial to decline these offers and walk away confidently. Do not engage with the scammers or entertain their demands. Remember that genuine acts of kindness do not involve hidden obligations or demands for money.

Examples of the Free Bracelets/Rosemary Scam in Action:

“As I was exploring the bustling markets of a popular tourist destination, a friendly local approached me and offered me a beautiful bracelet as a gift. Initially, I was flattered and accepted the gesture. However, as soon as I had the bracelet on my wrist, the person demanded money and became aggressive when I refused.”

“While wandering through a picturesque square, a stranger offered me a sprig of rosemary, claiming it would bring me good luck. Being unfamiliar with local customs, I accepted the gift. To my surprise, the person demanded payment and became increasingly insistent when I resisted.”

Remember, it’s essential to be cautious and skeptical when confronted with such situations. Stay alert, and don’t let the guise of a free gift cloud your judgment.

Signs of the Free Bracelets/Rosemary Scam:Preventive Measures:
Strangers offering you free bracelets or sprigs of rosemary.Refuse anything offered for free by strangers.
Demand for payment or purchase after accepting the item.Be firm in rejecting their demands.
Aggressive or insistent behavior when you refuse to pay.Walk away confidently and do not engage further.

The Motorbike Rental Scam

Motorbike rental scam

When traveling to popular destinations, renting a motorbike can be a convenient and exciting way to explore. However, it’s important to be aware of the motorbike rental scam, where rental companies take advantage of tourists and attempt to extort additional money.

In this scam, the rental company claims that there is existing damage to the motorbike and demands payment for repairs. They may even go as far as holding your passport hostage as collateral. This can quickly turn your exciting adventure into a nightmare.

To protect yourself from falling victim to the motorbike rental scam, follow these tips:

  1. Take photos of the motorbike before renting it to document any existing damage. This will serve as proof and prevent the rental company from blaming you for pre-existing issues.
  2. Insist on using your own lock to secure the motorbike. This will prevent any claims of theft or damage while the bike is in your possession.
  3. Make sure to have travel insurance that covers potential issues with rental vehicles. This will provide peace of mind and financial protection in case of any disputes or damages.

Beware of rental companies that pressure you into signing contracts without fully understanding the terms and conditions. Take your time to read and clarify any doubts or ambiguities before proceeding with the rental.

By being cautious and prepared, you can avoid becoming a victim of the motorbike rental scam and enjoy a smooth and hassle-free travel experience.

“Before renting a motorbike, take photos of the existing damage and insist on using your own lock.”

Motorbike Rental Scam Prevention Checklist:

Prevention TipsExplanation
Take photos of the motorbikeThis will serve as proof of any existing damage and prevent false claims.
Insist on using your own lockSecure the motorbike and prevent any claims of theft or damage.
Have travel insuranceEnsure coverage for potential disputes or damages.
Read and understand the rental contractClarify any doubts and avoid unforeseen expenses.

The Flirtatious Local Scam

When traveling to new destinations, it’s common to meet friendly locals who are eager to show you around and share their culture. However, it’s important to be aware of the flirtatious local scam, which targets unsuspecting tourists looking for a fun night out.

In this scam, a charming local approaches you, strikes up a conversation, and quickly establishes a connection. They may offer to take you to a recommended bar or club where they claim to have connections or special discounts. Their intentions, however, may not be as genuine as they seem.

While it’s not always the case, some of these individuals may have ulterior motives, such as taking advantage of you or scamming you in some way. They may try to persuade you to buy expensive drinks, steal your personal belongings, or even spike your drink. It’s important to stay cautious and prioritize your safety when interacting with newfound friendships while traveling.

To protect yourself from the flirtatious local scam, consider the following tips:

  • Trust your instincts: If something feels off or too good to be true, it probably is. Listen to your gut feeling and be cautious.
  • Avoid going to unfamiliar places with strangers: Stick to well-known establishments or places recommended by trusted sources.
  • Let someone know your plans: Inform a friend or family member about your whereabouts and the people you plan to meet.
  • Watch your drinks: Never leave your drink unattended and be cautious of accepting drinks from strangers.

Remember, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and prioritize your safety while exploring new destinations. By staying vigilant and employing these tips, you can enjoy your travels without falling victim to the flirtatious local scam.

Examples of Flirtatious Local Scam Tactics

The drink invitationThe scammer invites you for drinks, but the bill ends up being significantly higher than expected.
The distraction techniqueThe scammer creates a distraction, such as a fight or commotion, to steal your valuables while your attention is diverted.
The blackmailing schemeThe scammer captures compromising pictures or videos of you and then threatens to expose them unless you pay a large sum of money.

The Attractions Closed for Lunch Scam

Scammers often prey on unsuspecting tourists by employing clever tactics to manipulate them into falling for various travel scams. One such scam is the Attractions Closed for Lunch scam, where scammers deceive tourists by falsely claiming that popular attractions are closed during lunchtime. They then offer to take the tourists to alternative places, which are typically shops or establishments where the scammers earn a commission.

To avoid becoming a victim of this scam, it is crucial to stay vigilant and be aware of the common tactics used by scammers. Always check the operating hours of the attractions you plan to visit beforehand, either through official websites or reliable sources. This way, you can ensure that you have accurate information about the opening and closing times of the attractions.

Additionally, be skeptical of individuals who claim to know of better alternatives. Scammers often employ persuasive tactics to sway tourists into deviating from their original plans and visiting the establishments they recommend. Stick to your original itinerary and avoid being easily persuaded by these individuals.

By being cautious and well-informed, you can protect yourself from falling victim to the Attractions Closed for Lunch scam and enjoy your travel experiences without any hassle.


“Always verify the operating hours of attractions before traveling, and don’t be swayed by strangers claiming they know better alternatives.”

Tips to avoid the Attractions Closed for Lunch scam:

  • Check the official operating hours of attractions beforehand
  • Don’t rely solely on the information provided by strangers
  • Stick to your original plans and itinerary
  • Be skeptical of persuasive individuals

The Fake Petition Scam

One travel scam that targets tourists is the fake petition scam, where individuals approach you on the street or in popular tourist areas, claiming to support a cause or charity. These scammers may ask for your signature on a petition or request a donation. While their intentions may appear genuine, their true motive is often to steal from you or collect personal information for fraudulent purposes.

To protect yourself from falling victim to the fake petition scam, it’s essential to be cautious and skeptical of signing anything or giving money to unknown individuals. Here are a few tips to avoid this scam:

  1. Research and support reputable charities or organizations that you trust and have investigated beforehand.
  2. If approached by someone asking for a signature or donation, politely decline and walk away.
  3. Keep your personal and financial information secure, and never provide it to strangers.
  4. Be vigilant in crowded areas where scammers often operate, and trust your instincts if something feels off.

Remember, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting your personal information and valuables while traveling. By staying aware and cautious, you can avoid falling victim to the fake petition scam and enjoy a stress-free travel experience.

Warning SignsTips to Stay Safe
Individuals approaching you with a petition or cause
Requesting your signature or a donation
Research and support reputable charities
Politely decline and walk away
Keep personal and financial information secure
Stay vigilant and trust your instincts

The wrong change scam

When traveling, it’s important to be cautious of scams that target tourists. One common scam that you need to be aware of is the wrong change scam. Scammers may try to confuse you when making a purchase or exchanging currency by intentionally giving you less money than what you are owed, hoping that you won’t notice. This scam can happen anywhere, so it’s essential to stay vigilant.

To avoid falling victim to the wrong change scam, here are some tips:

  1. Double-check the change you receive: Always count your change carefully and make sure it matches the amount you should be getting back. Take your time and don’t rush through the transaction.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the local currency: Before your trip, take the time to learn about the local currency and familiarize yourself with its denominations and common features. This will help you recognize if you receive incorrect change.
  3. Know the exchange rates: If you’re exchanging currency, be aware of the current exchange rates. This will give you an idea of how much money you should be receiving in return.
  4. Use official exchange services or reputable businesses: When exchanging currency, it’s recommended to use official exchange services or trusted businesses. Avoid exchanging money with street vendors or unknown individuals to minimize the risk of being scammed.

By following these precautions, you can reduce the likelihood of falling victim to the wrong change scam and protect your hard-earned money while traveling.


Traveling is an amazing experience that broadens our horizons and exposes us to different cultures. However, it’s crucial to stay alert and informed about the potential travel scams that can dampen our adventures. By being aware of common tactics and using common sense, you can avoid falling victim to these scams and ensure a safe journey.

Trust your instincts when something feels off or too good to be true. Be cautious of strangers who approach you with unexpected offers or strange requests. Remember, your safety should always be your top priority.

Stay informed by researching the common travel scams in the regions you plan to visit. Knowledge is power, and knowing what to look out for can prevent you from being an easy target. Stay vigilant and pay attention to your surroundings at all times.

With the right precautions in place, you can have a scam-free and enjoyable travel experience. Embrace the beauty of new destinations while staying safe and secure. Happy travels!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here we answer some of the most common questions about these offers a rich tapestry of history, culture, and modernity. can expect results 

  • The taxi overcharge scam is when a taxi driver tells you that the meter is broken and charges you a higher rate or manipulates the meter to charge you more.
  • The closed accommodation scam is when taxi drivers tell you that your booked accommodation is closed or overbooked and try to take you to a different hotel where they receive a commission.
  • The closed accommodation scam is when taxi drivers tell you that your booked accommodation is closed or overbooked and try to take you to a different hotel where they receive a commission.
  • To avoid these scams, be cautious of strangers who approach you with unexpected offers or create situations that distract you from your belongings. Stay alert and trust your instincts.
  • Distraction tactics are techniques scammers use to divert your attention while they steal your belongings. Examples include the spill on your clothes scam and the “come in for tea and help me write a letter” scam.
  • Distraction tactics are techniques scammers use to divert your attention while they steal your belongings. Examples include the spill on your clothes scam and the “come in for tea and help me write a letter” scam.
  • Always check the operating hours of attractions beforehand and be skeptical of individuals who claim they know of better alternatives. Stick to your original plans and avoid being swayed by persuasive tactics.
  • Be cautious of signing anything or giving money to unknown individuals. Instead, support reputable charities or organizations that you have researched.
  • Always double-check the change you receive and familiarize yourself with the local currency and exchange rates. If possible, use official exchange services or reputable businesses.
  • Travel scams can happen anywhere in the world, but by being aware of common tactics, using common sense, and trusting your instincts, you can protect yourself from falling victim. Stay informed, be cautious of strangers, and always prioritize your own safety.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here we answer some of the most common questions about these offers a rich tapestry of history, culture, and modernity. can expect results 

  • Absolutely! Davao is often touted as one of the safest cities in the Philippines, thanks to its stringent security measures and disciplined residents.
  • hile Davao is a year-round destination, visiting during the Kadayawan Festival in August offers a colorful and vibrant experience.
  • Yes, but ensure you secure the necessary permits and preferably go with a local guide to enjoy a safe and informed hiking experience.
  • No, Davao City is an independent chartered city, while Davao del Sur is a separate province. However, they are part of the same Davao Region.
  • Don’t miss out on the durian fruit, pomelo, and the local dish called “sinuglaw” – a mix of grilled pork belly and fish ceviche.

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