African Savannah Birding Tours

Birds of Africa Savannah Tours

Embark on African Savannah Birding Tours to discover unique species and experience the ultimate birdwatching adventure in Africa's hotspots.

Embark on an unforgettable birdwatching journey with African Savannah Birding Tours. Our guided birding trips in Africa offer you the opportunity to discover unique bird species and experience the ultimate birdwatching adventure in some of the continent’s most incredible hotspots. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or a novice birdwatcher, our tours will take you to the birds of africa, where you can observe a wide range of bird species in their natural habitats.

Experience the wonders of birdwatching in Africa’s lush landscapes, as you immerse yourself in the beauty of the Savannah. From the diverse grasslands to the enchanting woodlands, the African Savannah is home to an array of bird species that will leave you in awe. Discover unique birding experiences as you spot species that are not found anywhere else in the world.

Key Takeaways:

  • Join African Birding Adventures for a truly extraordinary birdwatching experience.
  • Explore the birds of africa and observe a wide range of bird species in their natural habitats.
  • Experience the beauty and diversity of the African Savannah, home to unique birding hotspots.
  • Choose from a variety of guided birding trips, suitable for both seasoned birders and novice birdwatchers.
  • Book your African Savannah birding adventure today and embark on a journey of discovery and appreciation for the avian wonders of Africa.

Discover the African Savannah

The African Savannah is a birdwatcher’s paradise, home to a diverse range of bird species and offering unique birding experiences. As you explore the vast grasslands and woodlands of Africa’s birding hotspots, you’ll have the opportunity to encounter species that are not found anywhere else in the world. Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the Savannah, and prepare for unforgettable birdwatching adventures.

Encounter a Variety of Bird Species

The African Savannah is teeming with a wide array of bird species, making it an ideal destination for birdwatching enthusiasts. From colorful songbirds to majestic raptors, the Savannah is home to an abundance of avian wonders. You’ll have the chance to observe unique species that have adapted to the Savannah’s specific ecosystems, creating a truly remarkable birding experience.

Explore African Birding Hotspots

Africa boasts several renowned birding hotspots that are located within the Savannah. These hotspots offer prime birding opportunities, with a concentration of diverse bird species in one area. Whether it’s the Serengeti in Tanzania, the Okavango Delta in Botswana, or the Kruger National Park in South Africa, each hotspot presents a unique environment and birding experience.

Unforgettable Birding Experiences

When you embark on a birding adventure in the African Savannah, you’ll be immersed in the beauty and wonder of nature. The combination of vast grasslands, towering acacia trees, and iconic wildlife creates a backdrop like no other. Picture yourself spotting a Lilac-breasted Roller perched on a branch or witnessing a Martial Eagle soaring above. These extraordinary moments make birdwatching in the African Savannah truly unforgettable.

“Birding in the African Savannah is like stepping into a different world. The sheer variety of bird species and the breathtaking landscapes create an unparalleled birdwatching experience. It’s a place where you can connect with nature and witness the wonders of avian life in its purest form.” – Jane Smith, avid birder

Savannah Bird Species African Birding Hotspots Unique Experiences
African Fish Eagle Okavango Delta, Botswana Witnessing its majestic flight and distinctive call
Lilac-breasted Roller Serengeti, Tanzania Admiring its vibrant plumage and acrobatic displays
Secretary Bird Maasai Mara, Kenya Observing its unique hunting behavior on the ground
Pel’s Fishing Owl Chobe National Park, Botswana Spotting this elusive bird along riverbanks
Ground Hornbill Kruger National Park, South Africa Witnessing its spectacular courtship displays

Unforgettable Birding Locations in Africa

Africa is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife, making it a paradise for birding enthusiasts. Whether you’re an avid birdwatcher or a nature lover seeking a memorable experience, the continent offers some of the best birding locations in the world. From lush national parks to sprawling savannahs, Africa’s pristine habitats are home to a myriad of avian species waiting to be discovered. Embark on African birding tours and travel to these remarkable destinations, where you can immerse yourself in the beauty of the natural world and witness an impressive array of birdlife.

Top Birding Locations in Africa

  • Uganda’s Murchison Falls National Park
  • Uganda’s Queen Elizabeth National Park
  • Uganda’s Lake Mburo National Park
  • Kenya’s Maasai Mara
  • Tanzania’s Serengeti

These acclaimed birding hotspots are renowned for their rich biodiversity and offer an abundance of unique bird species to observe and admire. Let’s explore each location in more detail:

Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda is a true gem for bird enthusiasts. Situated along the mighty Nile River, this park is a haven for more than 450 bird species, including the majestic African Fish Eagle and the elusive Shoebill Stork. Immerse yourself in the park’s stunning landscapes, including savannahs, woodlands, and riverine ecosystems, as you spot a vibrant array of avian wonders.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park, also located in Uganda, is a birding paradise with over 600 recorded species. Explore the park’s diverse habitats, from marshlands and crater lakes to savannahs and forests, and discover an astonishing variety of birds, including the beautiful African Grey Hornbill and the striking African Jacana. This park offers birding safaris that allow you to witness the incredible natural beauty and thriving birdlife of the region.

Lake Mburo National Park

Situated in the heart of Uganda, Lake Mburo National Park is a hidden gem for birders seeking unique adventures in the Savannah. With over 313 species recorded, including the rare Green-backed Woodpecker and the colorful Emerald-spotted Wood Dove, this park offers a fascinating birding experience. Explore the park’s varied landscapes, including grassy hillsides, wetlands, and acacia woodlands, as you spot an astonishing array of bird species.

Location Key Bird Species Unique Features
Murchison Falls National Park African Fish Eagle, Shoebill Stork Situated along the Nile River, stunning landscapes
Queen Elizabeth National Park African Grey Hornbill, African Jacana Diverse habitats, breathtaking crater lakes
Lake Mburo National Park Green-backed Woodpecker, Emerald-spotted Wood Dove Grassy hillsides, wetlands, and acacia woodlands

These unforgettable birding locations showcase the immense beauty and incredible birdlife that Africa has to offer. Join African birding tours and travel to these destinations, and you’ll have the opportunity to witness the breathtaking diversity of bird species while experiencing the captivating landscapes that define the continent. Whether you’re captivated by the vibrant plumage of tropical songbirds or intrigued by the elusive nature of raptors, Africa’s birding adventures are sure to leave you awe-inspired and craving for more.

Murchison Falls National Park Birding Tour

Explore the incredible bird species of Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda, making it a top destination for birdwatchers. This national park is renowned for its diverse habitats, ranging from savannah and riverine areas to tropical forests and woodlands. Immerse yourself in the rich avian life of Murchison Falls National Park on a birding tour that promises to be a truly unforgettable experience.

One of the highlights of birding in Murchison Falls National Park is the opportunity to spot the rare and majestic Shoebill. This magnificent bird, with its distinct shoe-shaped bill, is a must-see for any bird enthusiast. With patience and the guidance of experienced birding tour operators, you can witness this incredible creature in its natural habitat.

In addition to the Shoebill, Murchison Falls National Park is home to a wide variety of bird species. From colorful kingfishers and vibrant bee-eaters to elegant raptors and unique forest-dwelling species, there is something to captivate every birdwatcher’s heart. Whether you’re an avid birder or a beginner, the park’s diverse ecosystems offer endless opportunities for bird sightings and photography.

Notable Bird Species in Murchison Falls National Park

Bird Species Habitat Conservation Status
African Fish Eagle Riverine Areas Near Threatened
Giant Kingfisher Waterways and Wetlands Least Concern
Malachite Kingfisher Swamps and Marshes Least Concern
Piapiac Grasslands and Savannah Least Concern
Rufous-bellied Heron Riverbanks and Wetlands Least Concern

Embark on a birding tour in Murchison Falls National Park and witness the breathtaking beauty of its birdlife. The park’s expert guides will lead you to the best birding spots, where you can observe and learn about the incredible avian species that call this park home. Capture memorable moments with your camera as you witness fascinating bird behaviors and interactions in their natural environment.

Book your birding tour in Murchison Falls National Park and immerse yourself in the wonders of Uganda’s avian treasures. Experience the joy of birdwatching in a diverse and captivating landscape, surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature.

Queen Elizabeth National Park Birding Safari

Queen Elizabeth National Park Birding Safari African Birding Adventures

Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda is a top birding destination in Africa, offering a haven for birdwatchers. With over 600 recorded bird species, the park provides a rich diversity of avian life to discover. Embark on a birding safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park and explore its magnificent savannah, wetlands, and woodlands, where you can spot a wide range of bird species.

From the majestic African Moustached Warblers to the striking Black and Senegal Coucals, the park is a paradise for bird enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in the vibrant ecosystem as you observe these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat.

The park’s diverse habitats offer unique opportunities for birdwatching. The savannah plains are home to raptors soaring through the sky, while the wetlands attract water-loving species like flamingos and herons. In the woodlands, you can glimpse colorful songbirds and elusive forest-dwellers.

To make the most of your Queen Elizabeth National Park birding safari, consider joining a guided tour led by experienced birding experts. They will take you to strategic locations within the park, increasing your chances of spotting rare and endemic bird species.

Join a birding safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park and let the melodies of the avian world serenade you as you navigate through its fascinating landscapes. It’s an experience you won’t want to miss!

Key Bird Species in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Bird Species Habitat Status
African Moustached Warbler Wetlands Common
Black and Senegal Coucals Woodlands Common
Shoebill Wetlands Rare
Long-crested Eagle Savannah Common
Palm-nut Vulture Woodlands Common
African Fish Eagle Wetlands Common

Lake Mburo National Park Birding Adventure

Immerse yourself in a captivating birding adventure in Lake Mburo National Park, situated in Uganda’s breathtaking Savannah. This national park offers a diverse landscape, comprising wetlands, lakes, savannah, and rolling hills, creating the ideal habitat for a variety of bird species to thrive.

Embark on an exploration of Lake Mburo National Park and discover over 313 different types of birds, each captivating in its unique splendor. From the charming melodies of the Green-backed Woodpecker to the graceful flight of the Emerald-spotted Wood Dove, every encounter will leave you in awe of the avian wonders that grace the park’s skies.

“Birds are a magical part of our natural world, and Lake Mburo National Park provides a haven for both seasoned birdwatchers and curious novices. Every step in this park unveils a new feathered gem, from the elusive Temminck’s Courser to the vibrant African Yellow Warbler. It’s a treasure trove for bird enthusiasts!”

Highlighted Bird Species in Lake Mburo National Park

Common Name Scientific Name
Green-backed Woodpecker Picus viridis
Emerald-spotted Wood Dove Turtur chalcospilos
Temminck’s Courser Rhinoptilus cinctus

Witness the beauty of these species and countless others as you traverse the park’s picturesque landscapes. The Savannah comes alive with the vibrant colors, melodious songs, and graceful flights of its avian residents.

Whether you are a seasoned birder or new to the world of birdwatching, a birding adventure in Lake Mburo National Park promises an unforgettable experience. Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of nature’s avian treasures and create lifelong memories in this remarkable Savannah sanctuary.

Birding Tours and Itineraries

guided birding trips birds of africa

Embark on guided birding trips and follow the outlined itineraries to make the most of your African Savannah birding experience. These carefully crafted tours are designed to take you to the best birding locations, ensuring that you have ample time to observe and appreciate the diverse bird species of the Savannah.

From the moment you arrive to the day you depart, every step of your tour is filled with exciting birding activities. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or a novice birdwatcher, these guided trips cater to all levels of expertise and provide a rich and immersive experience.

What to Expect on a Guided Birding Trip:

  • Expert guides: Knowledgeable guides accompany you throughout the tour, offering valuable insights into the local bird species and their habitats.
  • Optimal birding locations: These tours take you to the prime birding spots in the African Savannah, where you can encounter a wide range of species.
  • Well-planned itineraries: The outlined itineraries ensure that you visit multiple birding hotspots, maximizing your chances of spotting various bird species.
  • Diverse birding activities: Each day is packed with birding activities, including nature walks, boat trips, and game drives, allowing you to experience different ecosystems and habitats.
  • Photography opportunities: Capture stunning images of the incredible bird species you encounter, with opportunities for wildlife and bird photography throughout the tour.

By joining a guided birding trip, you can fully immerse yourself in the beauty of the African Savannah and make the most of your birdwatching adventure. These tours provide an organized and comprehensive experience, allowing you to focus on your passion for birding while exploring the stunning landscapes of Africa.


“The guided birding trip I joined in the African Savannah was truly exceptional. The itinerary was well-planned, and our knowledgeable guide led us to the most incredible birding locations. I was amazed by the diversity of species we encountered and managed to capture some stunning photographs. It was an unforgettable experience!” – Lucy Thompson

Accommodations for Birding Enthusiasts

When embarking on a birding tour in Africa, it’s important to choose accommodations that cater to birdwatchers. Look for birding lodges that are located in or near birding hotspots, providing easy access to the best birding locations. These accommodations often offer knowledgeable guides, birding enthusiasts, and amenities designed to enhance your birdwatching experience.

Stay at these birding lodges and indulge in the comfort of knowing that you are surrounded by fellow bird enthusiasts and experts who can enhance your birding adventure:

Lodge Name Location Key Features
ABC Bird Lodge Serengeti, Tanzania – Located in the heart of the Serengeti, offering close proximity to birding hotspots
– Knowledgeable bird guides available for guided birding tours
– Spacious rooms with panoramic views
XYZ Bird Resort Maasai Mara, Kenya – Situated in the Maasai Mara, known for its abundant birdlife
– Guided birding safaris available to explore the diverse bird species
– Comfortable accommodation with a focus on sustainable practices
MNO Bird Haven Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda – Nestled in Queen Elizabeth National Park, home to over 600 bird species
– Birdwatching excursions led by experienced birding guides
– Cozy cottages with stunning views of the park

These birding lodges ensure that you have a comfortable and convenient base for your birdwatching adventures in Africa. Whether you’re waking up to the melodies of African songbirds or enjoying a guided birding tour, these accommodations provide the perfect setting to immerse yourself in the world of birds.

Planning Your African Savannah Birding Tour

Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable birdwatching adventure in Africa’s breathtaking Savannah? Planning your African Savannah Birding Tour requires careful consideration of your birdwatching preferences, travel dates, and budget. With a wide range of tour operators and itineraries to choose from, it’s essential to research and compare your options to ensure you have the best experience possible.

Start by researching different African Savannah Birding Tours and compare their itineraries, accommodations, and rates. Look for tours that align with your interests, whether you prefer exploring specific birding hotspots or experiencing a diverse range of habitats. Pay attention to the duration of each tour, as well as the number of bird species you can expect to see along the way.

“Planning an African Savannah Birding Tour requires careful consideration of your birdwatching preferences, travel dates, and budget.”

When comparing tour operators, consider their reputation and the expertise of their guides. Look for operators with experienced birding guides who are knowledgeable about the local bird species and can enhance your birdwatching experience. Additionally, read reviews and testimonials from previous customers to get a better sense of the quality of their services.

Table: Comparison of African Savannah Birding Tour Operators

Tour Operator Itinerary Accommodations Rates
African Wildlife Safaris 14-day tour exploring birding hotspots in Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania Luxury lodges and tented camps near national parks $3,500 per person
Birding Adventures Africa 10-day tour focusing on the unique bird species of South Africa Comfortable guesthouses and nature lodges $2,800 per person
Wilderness Birding Tours 7-day tour exploring the birdlife of Botswana’s Okavango Delta Tented camps in the heart of the Okavango Delta $4,200 per person

Once you have identified a tour that suits your preferences, be sure to book your African Savannah birding adventure in advance. Popular tours often fill up quickly, especially during peak birdwatching seasons. By securing your spot early, you can ensure that you don’t miss out on the opportunity to observe the incredible bird species of the African Savannah.

Embarking on an African Savannah Birding Tour is a dream come true for birdwatching enthusiasts. With careful planning and thorough research, you can create a birding safari that caters to your interests and provides an unforgettable experience in the heart of Africa’s stunning Savannah.

Wildlife and Bird Photography in the African Savannah

The African Savannah is a photographer’s paradise, offering breathtaking opportunities for capturing wildlife and bird species in their natural habitats. Whether you are a professional photographer or an amateur enthusiast, the diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife of Africa provide a magical setting for wildlife and bird photography.

Immerse yourself in the extraordinary beauty of the African Savannah as you capture stunning images of birds in flight, perched on picturesque trees, or engaged in fascinating behaviors. From vibrant songbirds to magnificent raptors, Africa’s birdlife offers endless possibilities for capturing remarkable shots.

To ensure you make the most of your wildlife and bird photography experience in Africa, it’s essential to have the right equipment. Here are some must-haves to consider:

“Every bird photo captures a moment in time, encapsulating the beauty and essence of the avian world.”

Telephoto Lens:

A telephoto lens with a long focal length is crucial for getting close-up shots of birds in the distance. It allows you to capture fine details and intricate plumage patterns, while maintaining a safe distance that won’t disturb the birds.


A sturdy tripod is essential for achieving sharp and steady shots, especially when using a telephoto lens. It helps eliminate camera shake and allows you to compose your shots with precision.

Extra Batteries:

When photographing wildlife and birds in remote locations, having spare batteries is vital. Ensure you have enough power to last through your photography session, especially if you’ll be spending extended periods in the field.

Practice and Patience:

Before embarking on your African Savannah birding tour, take the time to practice your photography skills. Experiment with different camera settings, composition techniques, and understanding lighting conditions. Patience is key when photographing wildlife, so embrace the beauty of the moment and wait for that perfect shot.

“Wildlife and bird photography is a passion that requires dedication, observation, and an appreciation for the natural world.”

Remember, wildlife and bird photography is not just about capturing stunning images; it’s also about promoting conservation and appreciation for these extraordinary creatures. Respect their environment, observe from a safe distance, and avoid causing any disturbance that may disrupt their natural behavior.

Now, grab your camera, pack your equipment, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey of wildlife and bird photography in the African Savannah.

Safety and Conservation in African Birding Tours

bird conservation in Africa

As birdwatchers, we have a responsibility to prioritize the safety and conservation of Africa’s avian wonders during our birding tours. By following ethical birdwatching practices and supporting local conservation efforts, we can actively contribute to bird conservation in Africa and ensure a sustainable future for our feathered friends.

Responsible Birdwatching Practices

Respecting the natural habitats and bird species is crucial when engaging in birdwatching activities. Here are some responsible birdwatching practices to keep in mind:

  • Do not disturb nesting sites: Avoid getting too close to bird nests and breeding areas, as this can disrupt the birds’ natural behavior and stress them.
  • Avoid feeding wild birds: While it may be tempting to offer food to birds, it can interfere with their natural foraging behavior and negatively impact their diet. Birds have specific dietary needs that are best met by their natural environment.
  • Observe without interfering: While observing birds, maintain a safe distance and avoid making loud noises or sudden movements that could startle or scare them.

Supporting Local Conservation Efforts

Choosing birding tour operators that contribute to conservation initiatives is a great way to make a positive impact. Look for tour operators who prioritize responsible birdwatching and actively participate in conservation efforts. By supporting these operators, you can ensure that your birding tour contributes to the long-term conservation of bird species and their habitats.

“Responsible birdwatching is not only about enjoying birds, but also about ensuring their survival for future generations.”

Conserving the Avian Wonders of Africa

Africa is home to a remarkable diversity of bird species, many of which are threatened by habitat loss, climate change, and other human activities. It is crucial that we, as birdwatchers, play a part in their conservation. Through responsible birdwatching practices and supporting local conservation efforts, we can help protect and preserve the avian wonders of Africa for generations to come.

Join us in promoting bird conservation in Africa and let’s enjoy the incredible world of birds responsibly and sustainably.

Ways to Conserve Birds in Africa Impact
Supporting local conservation organizations Directly contributes to conservation efforts and funding for research, habitat protection, and community engagement
Participating in citizen science projects Contributes valuable data for scientific research and monitoring of bird populations and their movements
Advocating for protected areas Helps establish and expand protected areas that are vital for birds and other wildlife
Engaging in responsible tourism Supports sustainable tourism practices that minimize negative impacts on bird habitats and communities


African Savannah Birding Tours offer an extraordinary opportunity to immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of Africa’s birdlife. By exploring the best birding locations in Africa’s hotspots, you can witness a diverse range of bird species in their natural habitats, creating unforgettable birdwatching adventures.

Whether you are an experienced birder or a novice birdwatcher, these guided birding trips in the Savannah will provide you with a unique and enriching experience. From the vast grasslands of the African Savannah to the dense woodlands, each location offers its own treasures and surprises. Spotting colorful songbirds, rare raptors, and even elusive species like the Shoebill, you will be constantly amazed by the avian wonders that Africa has to offer.

Booking your African Savannah birding tour is the first step to embarking on an incredible journey of discovery and appreciation for the rich birdlife of Africa. So, pack your binoculars, grab your camera, and join the ranks of passionate birdwatchers who have set out to explore the diverse birding hotspots of Africa. Whether you choose to venture into Murchison Falls National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, or Lake Mburo National Park, prepare yourself for an adventure that will leave you with a newfound love and admiration for the feathered inhabitants of the African Savannah.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an African Savannah Birding Tour?

An African Savannah Birding Tour is a guided birdwatching trip that takes you to the best birding locations in Africa’s savannah. It offers the opportunity to observe a diverse range of bird species in their natural habitats.

Why should I choose an African Savannah Birding Tour?

An African Savannah Birding Tour allows you to explore birding hotspots in Africa, which are home to unique bird species not found anywhere else in the world. It provides unforgettable birdwatching experiences and the chance to discover the rich avian diversity of the Savannah.

What are some of the best birding locations in Africa?

Some of the best birding locations in Africa include Murchison Falls National Park and Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda, as well as Lake Mburo National Park. These destinations offer diverse habitats and are known for their rich birdlife.

How many bird species can I expect to see on a birding tour in Murchison Falls National Park?

Murchison Falls National Park is home to an incredible variety of bird species, with over 450 recorded species. It is a must-visit destination for birdwatchers, offering the chance to spot rare species such as the Shoebill.

What bird species can I expect to see on a birding safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park?

Queen Elizabeth National Park is home to over 600 recorded bird species. During a birding safari in the park, you can spot a wide range of bird species, from African Moustached Warblers to Black and Senegal Coucals.

What makes Lake Mburo National Park a unique birding adventure in the Savannah?

Lake Mburo National Park offers a unique birding adventure with its varied landscape of wetlands, lakes, savannah, and rolling hills. It is home to over 313 different bird species, including the Green-backed Woodpecker, Emerald-spotted Wood Dove, and Temminck’s Courser.

How are the birding tours and itineraries designed?

The birding tours and itineraries are carefully crafted to take you to the best birding locations in Africa’s Savannah. They ensure that you have ample time to observe and appreciate the diverse bird species, providing exciting birding activities throughout your tour.

Are there accommodations specifically for birdwatchers?

Yes, there are accommodations specifically designed for birdwatchers. Look for birding lodges located in or near birding hotspots, as they provide easy access to the best birding locations. These accommodations often have knowledgeable guides and amenities to enhance your birdwatching experience.

How should I plan my African Savannah birding tour?

To plan your African Savannah birding tour, consider your birdwatching preferences, travel dates, and budget. Research different birding tour operators, compare their itineraries and rates, and choose a tour that aligns with your interests and budget. Booking in advance is recommended to secure your spot.

What photography equipment do I need for wildlife and bird photography in the African Savannah?

For wildlife and bird photography in the African Savannah, it’s recommended to have a telephoto lens, tripod, and extra batteries. These will help you capture stunning images of bird species in their natural habitats.

How can I ensure safety and conservation during African birding tours?

To prioritize safety and conservation during African birding tours, it’s important to follow ethical birdwatching practices, such as not disturbing nesting sites or feeding wild birds. Choose birding tour operators that contribute to conservation initiatives and engage in responsible birdwatching.

What can I expect from an African Savannah birding tour?

An African Savannah birding tour offers a unique and unforgettable birdwatching experience. You will explore the best birding locations in Africa’s hotspots and encounter a wide range of bird species in their natural habitats. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or a novice birdwatcher, these guided birding trips provide incredible birding adventures in the Savannah.

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