


Malaysia borneo , encompassing Sabah and Sarawak, is a tapestry of natural wonders, intriguing histories, and rich cultural heritages. This review delves deep into the heart of this region, highlighting the best of its attractions and offering potential visitors an insightful guide into its many offerings. From the breathtaking landscapes and unique wildlife to its captivating people and tantalizing cuisine, Malaysia Borneo is undoubtedly a haven for adventurers and culture enthusiasts alike.Malaysia borneo


History of the Region

The tales of Sabah and Sarawak trace back centuries. From the time of the legendary Bruneian Empire to British colonialism, the regions have experienced a rich tapestry of cultural and historical events. Both territories joined Malaysia in the 20th century, marking a new chapter in their collective histories. Their diverse backgrounds have molded them into the captivating destinations they are today, attracting millions globally.

 Size and Appearance Total Area

Covering an impressive land area, Sabah and Sarawak are the largest states in Malaysia. Sabah, the easternmost state, is renowned for its stunning beaches, while Sarawak, stretching across the northwestern part of Borneo, boasts vast jungles and winding rivers.

 Environmental Health

Borneo’s rainforests are among the oldest in the world. Home to an array of endangered species like the orangutan and pygmy elephant, conservation efforts here are paramount. Both states have initiated eco-friendly tourism practices, ensuring that these natural treasures persist for generations.

 Area Human Personality

The people of Sabah and Sarawak are a blend of indigenous tribes, each boasting its unique language, traditions, and customs. From the Iban to the Kadazan-Dusun, their warm hospitality and rich cultural celebrations, such as the Gawai and Kaamatan festivals, offer tourists a unique glimpse into their way of life. 

Malaysia Borneo       

5 Best Things to Do in Malaysia Borneo (Sabah & Sarawak)

i. Dive into the Crystal-Clear Waters of Sipadan Island:
Sipadan Island, off the coast of Sabah, is an underwater paradise and a global diving mecca. Known for its rich marine biodiversity, Sipadan offers an unparalleled diving experience. The island’s unique position in the heart of the Indo-Pacific basin makes it a habitat for more than 3,000 species of fish and hundreds of coral species. Divers often encounter large schools of barracuda, sea turtles, reef sharks, and even hammerhead sharks. The famed ‘Drop Off’ is a must-visit spot, where a sheer coral wall plunges over 600 meters into the depths, offering a thrilling experience. Due to conservation efforts, daily diving permits are limited, so it’s advisable to book in advance.

ii. Explore the Depths of the Mulu Caves:
The Mulu Caves, nestled within the Gunung Mulu National Park in Sarawak, present an otherworldly spelunking adventure. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is home to one of the world’s largest cave networks. The ‘Sarawak Chamber’ is the largest known cave chamber by area in the world, while ‘Clearwater Cave’ is one of the longest underground rivers in Southeast Asia. Exploring these caves, visitors can marvel at stunning limestone formations, intricate cave ecosystems, and millennia-old rock pinnacles. Apart from cave exploration, the national park also offers canopy walks, treks to view the Pinnacles’ limestone formations, and night walks to experience the jungle’s nocturnal activities.

iii. Witness the Wildlife of Kinabatangan River:
The Kinabatangan River, Sabah’s longest river, is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. This rich ecosystem hosts a remarkable array of biodiversity, including Bornean orangutans, proboscis monkeys, Bornean pygmy elephants, crocodiles, and countless bird species. River cruises at dawn and dusk offer the best opportunities to witness these animals in their natural habitat. Staying in one of the many riverside lodges provides a serene experience and a base for exploring the surrounding rainforest and ox-bow lakes. The area also supports community-based ecotourism initiatives, contributing to the conservation of this unique environment.

iv. Ascend the Majestic Mount Kinabalu:
Mount Kinabalu, standing at 4,095 meters, is Southeast Asia’s highest peak and a bucket-list challenge for trekkers. Located within the Kinabalu Park, another UNESCO World Heritage Site, the climb offers breathtaking views and a chance to traverse through diverse ecological zones. The trek typically takes two days, with an overnight stay at a mountain hut before an early morning ascent to the summit for a stunning sunrise. Along the way, climbers experience changing vegetation, from tropical rainforest to alpine meadows, and might even spot unique flora like the Rafflesia, the world’s largest flower. The climb is demanding but rewarding, with no specialized mountaineering equipment required, making it accessible to most with good physical fitness.

v. Participate in the Vibrant Festivals of the Indigenous Tribes:
Sabah and Sarawak are cultural tapestries, home to numerous indigenous tribes, each with their own unique traditions and festivals. The Gawai Dayak festival in Sarawak is a vibrant affair celebrating the harvest and a time to indulge in traditional foods, music, and dance. Similarly, the Kadazan-Dusun people in Sabah celebrate the Kaamatan festival, a thanksgiving event to honor the rice spirit. Participating in these festivals offers an immersive experience into the local cultures. Visitors are often welcomed with warm hospitality and can partake in traditional activities, wear native costumes, and enjoy local delicacies. These festivals are not just tourist attractions; they are a profound way to connect with the indigenous heritage of Borneo.

These activities represent the essence of Borneo – a blend of natural wonder, cultural richness, and adventurous spirit. Whether you’re diving into the depths of the ocean, exploring ancient caves, encountering exotic wildlife, conquering towering peaks, or immersing yourself in local traditions, Sabah and Sarawak offer experiences that are both thrilling and deeply enriching.borneo Rain Forest

Estimated Cost for a 1-Day Visit in Borneo (Sabah & Sarawak):

Expense Category Budget (USD) Mid-Range (USD) Luxury (USD)
Accommodation 20 – 40 50 – 120 150 – 300+
Food 5 – 10 15 – 30 40 – 80
Transport 10 – 20 30 – 50 70 – 120
Basic Activities 20 – 40 60 – 100 150 – 300
Total Estimated Cost 55 – 110 155 – 300 410 – 800+
  • Budget: Includes hostels, local street food, public transportation, and low-cost or free activities like hiking or visiting local markets.
  • Mid-Range: Involves 3-star hotels, mid-range restaurants, comfortable public transport or private taxis for closer distances, and moderately-priced activities like guided tours.
  • Luxury: Entails 5-star accommodation, fine dining, private transport or car rental, and high-end experiences like private guided tours or exclusive access to attractions.

2-Day Itinerary for the Most Photogenic Places in Borneo (Sabah & Sarawak):

Day 1: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah


    • Start at Signal Hill Observatory Tower for panoramic views of Kota Kinabalu at sunrise.
    • Breakfast at a local café.


    • Visit the Kota Kinabalu City Mosque, also known as the Floating Mosque, for its stunning architecture.


    • Head to the Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park, accessible via a short boat ride. Ideal for snorkeling and beach photography.
    • Lunch on one of the islands.


    • Return to Kota Kinabalu.
    • Explore the Kota Kinabalu Waterfront for sunset shots and dinner.

Day 2: Sandakan and Kinabatangan River, Sabah

Early Morning:

    • Fly or drive to Sandakan.
    • Visit the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre for an up-close experience with orangutans.


    • Travel to the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre nearby.


    • Journey to the Kinabatangan River area.
    • Check into a river lodge and have lunch.
    • Late afternoon river safari for wildlife photography including proboscis monkeys, various bird species, and potentially pygmy elephants.


    • Dinner at the lodge.
    • Optional night walk for nocturnal wildlife photography.

This itinerary focuses on capturing the essence of Sabah’s natural beauty and unique wildlife. The combination of urban landscapes, pristine beaches, and rich biodiversity offers a diverse range of photogenic opportunities. The schedule is tight and travel-intensive, particularly on the second day, so it’s advisable to be well-prepared for early starts and a fair amount of traveling between locations.Nasi Lemak Borneo

 Famous Hotels, Resorts, and Foods


    Shangri-La’s Rasa Ria Resort & Spa, Sabah

    The Culvert Hotel Resort, Sarawak


      Tuaran Mee: Tuaran Town Food Stalls, Sabah

      Sarawak Laksa: Choon Hui Cafe, Kuching, Sarawak

       What to eat in Borneo (Sabah & Sarawak)

      From the tantalizing Tuaran Mee noodles to the spicy and rich Sarawak Laksa, the culinary delights here cater to every palate.

       Favorite Famous Foods


        Nasi Lemak Borneo

        Hinava (Sabah’s indigenous salad)


          Little Rara Thai Boat Noodle, Sabah

          Lau Ya Keng Food Court, Sarawak

           Top 3 Reasons to Choose Malaysia Borneo

          i. An unparalleled blend of culture and nature.
          ii. Hospitable and warm local communities.
          iii. A food paradise for the culinary adventurer.

          One Reason to Reconsider:
          While Borneo offers a plethora of attractions, its remote locations might be challenging for some travelers to access.

           Tips for a Safe and Memorable Adventure in Malaysia Borneo

              • Respect local customs and traditions.

              • Always hire local guides when venturing into unfamiliar terrains.

              • Make environmentally-friendly choices. Avoid single-use plastics and support eco-tourism initiatives.

            Reflecting on Borneo’s Wonders

            Malaysia Borneo is not merely a destination; it’s an experience. While its remote nature might be a barrier for some, the allure of its diverse cultures, delectable cuisine, and untouched natural wonders beckon the intrepid traveler. With careful planning and respect for its environment and people, Borneo a journey like no other.

            Related post: Thailand Sukhothai

            Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

            Here we answer some of the most common questions about these offers a rich tapestry of history, culture, and modernity. can expect results 

            • The best time is during the dry season, which typically runs from March to October.
            • It’s advised to consult with your doctor, but vaccinations for yellow fever and malaria prophylaxis are often recommended.
            • Yes, many international airports offer direct flights, especially to Kota Kinabalu in Sabah and Kuching in Sarawak.
            • Both states are generally safe, but it’s essential to take standard precautions, especially in remote areas.
            • In cities and major tourist areas, yes. However, it’s advisable to carry cash when venturing into more remote locations.


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